Have you considered that instead of closing the account, you could:
Change your preferences on how you use the app and Sling communicates with you, for example; you can toggle on and off your preference to be located in the Sling Money Directory - check it out in the profile section of the app,
Unsubscribe to e-mails sent by Sling Money - click that option in the email,
Uninstall the app from your device and re-install & sign back into the account at a later stage.
If you still wish to close your Sling account, you can off-ramp the funds in your Sling Wallet through us at any time and also take your wallet to another provider to off-ramp if you prefer.
Step by step
Pop to the profile section in the app, click on "More", and follow the close account instructions from there.
We value your feedback, so we may ask you why you wish to change your preferences or close your account.
If you would also like to have all your data deleted, don't hesitate to get in touch with us via in-app chat.