All exchange rates are set in real-time at the time of transaction. Exchange rates can fluctuate from moment to moment. We use the real market rate as provided by and do not apply a markup or spread.
All transactions with Sling Money are transferred in digital currency.
Sending a transaction
We show you the fiat currency price you will exchange for digital currency (e.g. USDP) before you fully initiate your transfer.
As exchange rates fluctuate, our price will only be valid for a limited time.
If the rate we provided expires, you will not be able to complete your transaction at that price, and we will tell you to retry and advise the updated price.
Fiat currency and digital currency prices are seen in the transaction history in-App.
Here is an example
Here is an example
You exchange one fiat currency to digital currency - USDP using the exchange rate between those two currencies. USDP is pegged against the US dollar. Therefore, an exchange rate of 1 US dollar to 2 Euros means that with Sling, your exchange is 1USDP = 2 EUR and 2 EUR = 1USDP.
βClaiming a Sling Link
We intend to honour the face value of a Sling Link when the following criteria is met;
The currency is in GBP ( British Pound Sterling) or Euro
Sling Link is claimed in the same currency it was created in.
Any fluctuations in the exchange rates will be consumed by Sling Money, subject to fair usage limits. Sling Money will monitor the Sling Link activity and reserves the right to make changes to this term for individual Sling Links, or for all Sling Links, at its sole discretion, as it deems appropriate.