We are really sorry that you feel the need to make a complaint to us.
Before making a formal complaint we ask you to please contact us using the chat available in the Sling App or via e-mail at [email protected]. If your query is not satisfactorily resolved, you may lodge a complaint with us or request details about our complaint handling procedures.
Raising a Complaint
Raising a Complaint
You can send us a complaint by emailing [email protected] with the subject line "Formal complaint."
In your email please clearly set out the reason for your complaint, how you would like us to resolve the complaint and any other information you believe to be relevant. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint.
A member of our team will consider your complaint without prejudice based on the information you have provided and information held by us.
Within 15 business days of our receipt of your complaint we will address all points raised in your complaint by sending you an email explaining how we will
(i) resolve your complaint in the way you requested;
(ii) make a determination rejecting your complaint and set out the reasons for the rejection; or
(iii) offer to resolve your complaint with an alternative solution.
There is no cost in raising a Complaint with us.